Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What type of blog hopper are you?

I really got serious about blogging just a few months ago. At first, I just want to try it, thinking that it will help me in my research project, which it did. I was just throwing bits and pieces of my thoughts, notes on my barkada gigs and school stuff, how I survive a toxic day and other sentimental raving. It makes me smile when I’m browsing my old posts. Now, blogging really got into my system and quite addicted to it.

The other thing that really hooked me are those inspiring blogs I accidentally came across during blog hopping. There are blogs that inspire me, make me laugh, keep me updated on current events and a lot more – blogs that definitely have a space in my google reader.

Recently, my blogposts are finally receiving comments from fellow bloggers. Thank you, thank you guys, I sincerely appreciate it.

Blog hopping makes me discover other people’s colorful, inspiring and sometimes sad life – and came across other “hoppers” too. I noticed that there are various types of blog hoppers and “commenters.” Like our friends in the physical world, they can be: (1.) a friend for pleasure, you are friend so long as the relationship is entertaining and fun; (2.) a friend for convenience, where people make friendships to gain favors, a friendship that lasts when the usefulness of other person ends; (3.) a true friend, where mutual respect and admiration exist.

Likewise, we make online friends for different motives.

Blog hoppers, who are blogger themselves, can be categorized as follows: (in my humble opinion only.)
1. Hopping for pleasure. I will add you and visit your blog so long as your blog is entertaining and fun.

2. Hopping for convenience. I will visit and link your blog as long as you link and visit mine. If you didn’t visit mine or didn’t put comments on my blog I will not read and visit yours. (Common for those who are monetizing their blog.)

3. True hoppers. These are bloggers who are really committed to help or hoping to find lasting goodness on both sides. I came across a lot of this type of blogger in our fellow Filipinos abroad. Some of them even ends up in marriage.
Well, I admit sometimes, I am a combination of these three.

Maybe we can add “annoying hoppers” or those who keeps on leaving their links on our comment boxes and message board saying nothing but “check out my blog at “www.puro-ads.bulokblog.com.” Then when you click on the link, you will be bombarded by dizzying animated ads, ads at the header, sidebars, ads inserted on every other paragraph of their copied article - calling it strategic ad placement. There’s nothing wrong with monetizing a blog or promoting it but a blog littered with ads with no original content is really annoying.

Enough of my rants. I just hope I will gain more friends here, share my ideas and yours, discuss our frustrations, voice out our thoughts and beliefs without being harmed. Isn’t it that what is personal blogging is all about?

Happy blog hopping! Thanks in advance and may the Force be with you!


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