Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Face-Off, What will you look like when you grow old

While thinking of a blogpost idea today, I came across this site (The Face of the Future), aimed at exploring the latest advances in facial computer vision and graphics. You can transform your face to a different age or race. I tried it and it’s really cool.

This is me, looking bored, imprisoned by this face: feeling like a fighter without a cause. I read a research study, (I’m sorry I can’t recall if it’s in a news article or a book), which concludes that women can look at a photograph of a man's face and assess with high accuracy whether he's the kind of guy who likes children, and thus shows good potential as a long-term mate. Hmmm, what do you think of me girls, u-hmmm.

Conversely, most women who participated in the survey identified correctly the men who had the highest testosterone levels and most suitability for a short-term fling. Whew, that is a really tough research eh. I guess men can also identify a short-term-fling-type girls. Peace!

Below is my face, transformed as a child and as a teenager (I can't remember I looked like that.)

The last picture is my supposed look when I grow old. Hmm, I don't want to look soooo sad like that - scary, scary.... I want to grow old but happy. My only wish is to have my complete teeth with me 'till death.

There's also a cool face transformation option if you want to see your Afro or Caucasian look. Here's mine:

Hmm, I like my Caucasian look, but the best look I really like is my manga version on the right. Super-duper cool. I instantly love it. I guess I should use it as my avatar.
Despite the old adage 'never judge a book by its cover' and despite the prevailing belief that attractiveness does not matter once we know a person, being confident neat and attractive still is an advantage.

Happy blogging! Looking forward to see your future face!
Always Smile!!!

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